Wicker Huts, Sunny Weather And Music In The Air

Kilberry Amenity Heritage Group in Meath played host to the judges on a sunny day in July.


The Judges arrived to a warm welcome from the community, and with the sun high in the sky, they enjoyed a tour of Kilberry village. The tour consisted of local amenities such as:

  • Village garden where local resident Ciara was appointed to speak a few words about the work they’ve done this year
  • Wicker huts and animals that serve as local monuments to the residents
  • Bar/lounge for a presentation about Kilberry, Co. Meath


Gifts And Music

From there the tour took on wheels as they took a bus down to Torro, where the local team played football. Robbie Meehan, a local author gave the judges a copy of his new book and spoke about the local area.

From there, it was on to the local church which was decorated with photos of events that have taken place around the area.   With a choir singing from a balcony above, entertainers from Tinsel Town Stage School, as well as a host of local musicians, it was a really enjoyable presentation.


The day ended with a presentation from representatives form the Phylis Byrne Brazilian Fund Group. They discussed how they raise funds and promote good relationships.

We hope the judges enjoyed their day as much as we enjoyed showing them around.

For more information, visit the Kilberry Amenity Group Facebook.
