Knitted Knockers of Northern Ireland

Knitted Knockers of Northern Ireland supplies free handmade breast prosthesis for breast cancer survivors who have had a mastectomy/breast surgery. The Group was established in July2016 by Joanne Harris after her friend struggled with a heavy silicone prosthetic after non reconstructive breast surgery. Joanne placed an advert for knitters in the local paper and 120 women turned up and went on to learn how to knit on 4 needles.

The group supplies the local Breast Cancer unit in Craigavon Area Hospital with free knitted & swimming knockers and post-surgery comfort kits as well as fulfilling personal orders. They now have over 120 volunteers within the ABC Council area as well as over 100 volunteers province-wide and have now founded a peer support creative craft and pamper group to help support women with the loneliness and worry they can experience after a Cancer Diagnosis.

“…the work of a group making life easier for survivors of a specific illness involving major surgery, treatment and personal impacts that is truly outstanding and making a real difference…”