Category Eight: Community Youth Led Initiative
Winner: Clare Youth Action
Clare Youth Action was started in 2014 by a group of active young people in response to their own identified need to become more involved in their local community. The group felt that uninvolved young people were much more at risk from drugs and alcohol. They also recognised that the North Clare and the Ennistymon community have particular issues around drugs and alcohol use alongside various mental health issues and high levels of suicide. The aims of the group, which is supported through the North West Clare Family Resource Centre, are to: help their community; help local charities and bigger charities that support the local community; give young people something positive to do; give them a sense of belonging in the community; keep young people out of trouble/off the streets; help them feel good, boost mental health, increase their feelings of self-worth and accomplishment. Since establishment, the group has participated in many charitable and civic-minded initiatives.
Group Contact: John Treacy, [email protected]
This fantastic youth led project demonstrated the power of young people coming up with an idea and presenting it to the right agency for support. A top class presentation and wonderful testimonials by exceptional young adults absolutely convinced the judges of the value of this great project. They commended everyone involved.