Winner: Mahon CDP Agelink, Cork City
Mahon Community Development Project (CDP) established ‘Age Link’, a home befriending service in 2009, as a result of an aging population. Volunteers make home visits having been Garda Vetted, trained and ‘matched’ with an older person based on suitability. They visit an older person in their home. These changes allow the older person to remain at home and in the community longer due to their newly forged links and sense of belonging. The aim is not only to provide company for older people but to empower them to leave their homes and become more active. Older people have now become engaged with a new enthusiasm for life. Mahon CDP has developed a programme targeted at older people which includes cookery classes for older men, chair based exercises, relaxation, social outings, coffee mornings, intergenerational projects and promoting social inclusion for members of society excluded due to issues such as mental health, poor physical health and lack of social ties.
Group Contact: Lynda Wakefield [email protected]
Upon their visit to this winning entry community, the judges found a very committed and professional group doing excellent work for the elderly in this community. The group has developed a wide range of services, as well as created a wonderful early generational program that encourages and maintains the involvement from young people with their elderly community.
Runner up: Santry Community Association Ltd, Dublin City