Winner: Children’s Grief Centre, Limerick City
The Children’s Grief Centre is located in Limerick City and has a long history of providing support services to children and young people who are affected by loss through bereavement, separation or divorce. Founded in 2009, the Centre is conveniently situated in the heart of the city, on the grounds of Westbourne Convent, giving easy access for children and families to attend. The Centre is committed to enhancing the overall well-being of grieving children in Limerick and to this effect provides one to one support sessions to children and young people between the ages of 4 and 18 who are affected by loss. These sessions are provided by a team of experienced and professionally trained volunteers. Since its establishment, this one of a kind organisation has supported almost 1,100 children and their families, allowing them the opportunity to explore their feelings around loss. The Children’s Grief Centre also serves the wider Limerick Community by means of workshops and information sessions.
Group Contact: Brid Burke [email protected]
Nothing could have prepared the judges for their visit to this wonderful and inspiring place. An excellent presentation was delivered with passion, professionalism and energy and brought the judges on an amazingly journey of sadness, care, hope and happiness. The success of this project, unique in Ireland, was attested by the testimonies of the family members who have been helped by this centre. Those affected by loss will find this a lovely welcoming place with extraordinary well trained volunteers. The judges left this project profoundly moved and inspired and grateful for the opportunity to see and understand.
Runner Up: 4th Port Dodder Sea Scout Group, Dublin City