Special Award
Winner: Kiltegan Village, Co Wicklow
Kiltegan is a village in the west of County Wicklow. It has a small population of just under 300 people. There is a huge sense of all things community within this village. It is a dynamic village which took the initiative to develop a community fitness hub including a pedestrian walkway and a floodlight all weather pitch. During the fundraising for the hub they reached out to their worldwide contacts for financial support, which they received. Over a two year period, including the 2020 pandemic year, they have raised in the region of €70k for this hub. This village is developing fantastic future plans for the entire area and is mindful that these plans must be all inclusive. The local volunteers had the determination and energy to delivery this resource for the village. A previous National Tidy Towns Competition winner, Kiltegan not only looks a special place in which to live, but is a place for an entire community to flourish.
Community Contact: Caroline Fox
The award identifies a unified rural community with a project and a dream. This little village is developing fantastic future plans for the entire area and when a community gets behind a project dreams really do come true.