Winner: Roscommon Lions Club


Roscommon-Lions-ClubThe Lions Club has been very involved in the development of the Quad Centre in Roscommon town. Having set it up in 2009, members have been actively working with Foróige in the provision of facilities for the youth of the area. This centre is a virtual hub of activity for young people throughout the week with so many people generously giving their time to provide assistance and training. The main activities of the Quad Youth Centre relate to the personal, cultural, educational, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development of young people. The Centre includes a general purpose/hall recreation space, a multi-media room, music room, youth café, recreational/games room and meeting rooms, IT, internet facilities and room for counselling and psychological services. It is the only such substantive Community Youth Centre in the region, and is identified as a flagship Centre by Foróige, which manages it on behalf of the Lions Club.


Not alone has this group sought, undertaken, created and financed a premises for the needs of young people, but a unique partnership with a Youth Organisation has been forged with a veritable myriad of volunteers. It almost goes without saying that all activities and programmes are well researched and planned in consultation with those young people.