Winner: Douglas Street, Cork City

Douglas Street traders worked with the Community Gardaí and City Council to tackle the issues of street drinking, graffiti and rubbish and soon began to see results. The organisation of AutumnFest saw them teaming up with Cork Community Circus, Joan Denise Moriarty School of Dance and the CITSamba Band among others to entertain the 4,000 strong crowds. They organised storytelling for older residents and a historical walk. Now in their third year, the community response has been fantastic and much has been achieved in promoting and improving Douglas Street and they know what can be achieved. Recently, they teamed up with Green Spaces to create a Fruit Forest at Summerhill South with wall planters of wild flowers and hanging baskets in an attempt to become the first green street in Ireland, effectively eradicating single use products and promoting composting and recycling. They have really established a diverse and eclectic group and the enthusiasm is palpable!

Community Contact: Nuala Stewart [email protected]

This wonderful street and its lovely industrious and ambitious community took the judges by surprise as they started their journey of discovery in a spectacular visitor centre and gardens, housing many important activities all enhancing the area and effectively bookending the street. The excellent presentation demonstrated what can be achieved when the traders, the council and the community work in partnership. The judges were inspired by the energy and enthusiasm of the diverse group of people they met and equally impressed with their efforts to become Ireland’s first Green Street.

Runner Up: Bloomfield, Belfast