Winner: Meath River Rescue
Meath River Rescue is a voluntary organisation which was founded in 1996. It currently has 30 members and from that has gone from strength to strength to becoming a first class response unit. The group works with Garda and Fire Services and also with families of missing persons. They also work closely with charitable organisations such as Meals on Wheels, SOSAD and Living Links and other charities within the community. On call 24 hours a day 365 days of the year in 2015 alone there were seven call outs/searches and four recoveries. The last search was for a young 21 year old man which lasted for 23 days. Meath River Rescue also covers duck races, triathlons and wherever else they are required. In 2015 the organisation took in a total of over €99,000 and it took a total of over €88,000 to run it for the year.
Group Contact: Christopher Rennicks [email protected]
This remarkable winning entry was set up in 1995. This is an inspiring community group who take very seriously the work they undertake. They are on call 34 hours a day, 365 days per year and still find time to raise 100% of their running costs and capital costs on an annual basis. It is humbling to realise that they have no debt despite ensuring that all equipment and facilities they own and operated are of the highest standard. The judges were impressed by the level of professionalism that they convey in terms of their training and the standards to which they constantly adhere.
Runners up:
-Hope Cancer Support Centre, Co Wexford
-TIDAL, Co Antrim