Winner: Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork


If Carrigtwohill had a mission statement it would be to develop a true spirit of community among the residents and those working in the area so that all members of the community are supported by and supportive of one another. Carrigtwohill as a society is not aloof in its dealings with people whether it’s in welcoming multinationals or new residents. In the shops, schools, businesses, clubs, organisations and community groups a great effort is made by all to create a sustainable and welcoming community. In fact, at a recent primary school’s 60th anniversary celebrations, 32 different nationalities were represented. This is best exemplified by the St. Patrick’s Day Parade where 90 mostly new volunteers organise a wonderful day for all the community. In the past many people would leave the area to attend parades elsewhere. 3000 people have stayed in their community to watch 80 floats and to interact, and talk to their friends and neighbours.

Communty Contact: Ollie Sheehan [email protected]


When the judges arrived at this winning entry for the first time, one could feel pride of place in the air. This is a community that so easily could have become a commuter town with no heart or soul. The fact that it is not, but instead is a wonderful, vibrant, proud place is due to the commitment of the whole community to make a difference. Nothing sits apart in this community, nothing is out on a limb, no person is forgotten, no group is isolated. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to play their part in making this place, a great place. Everything works for the good of the community, an achievement which greatly impressed the judges.

Runner Up: Dunleer, Co. Louth