Winner: Ballyfermot, Dublin City

The annual Ballyfermot Festival is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year. A number of community groups including the Youth Service, Community Associations and the Heritage Group came together to organise events to celebrate the history and people of the area. Proudly supported by Dublin City Council, these groups organised an hour long documentary entitled Ballyfermot in the Beginning. The documentary was launched in the Ballyfermot library in January and attended by nearly 200 people. It is now watched by thousands of Ballyfermot expats globally on Youtube. To celebrate the centenary of the granting of women’s suffrage, a host of talks and events have been organised. Many more events from kayaking, park concerts, historical walks, art exhibitions to Lee Dunne’s Goodbye to the Hill are part of a fun filled festival to celebrate Ballyfermot. Those fit enough will be taking part on the mini World Cup/road league and the singers will entertain the people from Ballyfermot at the Choral Festival.

Community Contact: Bernie Lillis [email protected]

The winning entry communicated a strong sense of belonging and pride in the people of this place. To celebrate their 70th birthday several community groups and organisations have come together to organise a host of events during this year. Books have been published, plays and sketches written, and films and documentaries produced. Environmental improvements have been carried out and a series of commemorative flags have been put up. A successful men’s shed has been established and a special project this year featured an exhibition of Community Women leaders from the area. These numerous activities and events are held for all age groups from preschool children to the elderly in a truly inclusive community celebration.