Keep Rollin’ Rollin’ Rollin’

On 14 July The Judges Rolled In To Visit The Innisfree Wheelers Cycling Club In Sligo


The judges were welcomed to Sligo and the group outlined their purpose, which is to encourage people to get out and get healthy by cycling around Sligo’s countryside. What was originally done for the health benefits has become something for fun and the club grows every day.

The judges also heard from representatives of charities who have been recipients of the cycling club’s fundraising activities over the years and from local agencies who work with the club. There was a photographic display of the cycling club. This outlined their achievements as well as their training schedule which goes as follows:

Mondays at 8pm – spinning class – Sligo Park Hotel

Tuesdays at 10am – spin from Carraroe

Wednesdays at 7:30pm – mountain biking

Thursdays at 10am – spin from Carraroe

Sundays at 10am – 3 different spins for all levels from Sligo IT.


From there, the Judges visited some of the cycle routes used by the group and met some of the members on their weekly cycle. The judges left reluctantly by car later that evening!  

Racecars And Boxing Stars

Cranmore, Sligo played host to the Judges in July.

The Judges were given a presentation by the Cranmore group outlining the services they provide: counselling services to adults, a drugs task force and outreach services.


The judges were shown around the estate and visited:

  • The boxing club
  • A best kept garden
  • Abbeyquarter Mens Group
  • Abbeyquarter Community Centre

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The residents put in the effort to show the community spirit in Cranmore coupled with a vision and plans for the future. Also present was Cathaoirleach of Sligo County Council who commented:

The work planned and delivered by a core of committed people in our communities has been an inspiration to other groups and the wider public, and we can see before our eyes the Pride of Place prompting many other excellent local initiatives throughout the county.

Kileely’s Hub Of Activity

On 23 June The Judges Visited St Munchin’s Community Centre, Kileely, Co. Limerick.


They were greeted by members and staff of the Community Centre. One of the staff members said:

St. Munchin’s Community Centre has had an active role in promoting and developing community involvement within the Parish since its establishment in 2005.The community centre has developed a broad representative base from within the community centre.


Serving The Local Community

The Judges learned about the aims of the centre:

  • Provide a central hub accommodating local service providers
  • Provide a meeting place for local voluntary groups
  • To address and overcome social isolation and exclusion
  • Identify and respond to local needs

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There’s Something For Everyone

All of the board of management are voluntary. The met and spoke with the judges and discussed how they regularly meet to ensure ongoing projects are carried out and all the local needs are being addressed.

The centre hosts several services such as:

  • Community Café
  • Catering
  • Meals on Wheels
  • Breakfast Club
  • Bingo
  • Classes
  • Gardening
  • Youth Clubs
  • Dance Company

After witnessing the local clubs and the enthusiasm shown by it’s members, the judges left Kileely with a nice send off from the locals.

Visit the St. Munchin’s Community Centre website to find out all the latest news.  Or check out St. Munchins on Facebook.